Thursday, January 10, 2013

The Age of Downfall


Be it for the believers or for the non- believers, but the resemblance that the present years have with the description of Kali Yuga in Indian scriptures are striking and Uncanny. Lord Krishna foretold that Kali Yuga will be full of extreme hardships for people with ideals and values.

Increase in rape rates, murders, frauds and other criminal offences are incessant and rampant not just in India but throughout the world. Legend has it that Lord Krishna predicted the forthcoming of our era. Though all details might not be an exact match to the ancient scripture, one cannot ignore the mystique resemblances and associations.

The demon of downfall: Kali is depicted as a monster holding a weapon in his raised hand and the other hand is at his genital. Can we see the same scene if we try to imagine what must have happened on the night in the bus where the girl was raped and battered? There were five Kalis and one poor girl. She was brave, but Kali is overwhelming and Overpowered. This demon not some actual predator creature in the world, but even worse; he has manifested his way into each of our minds. He is trying to delude us into our own destruction. This era has brought us darkness along with a power to actually afford our own destruction. If you go by science, Kali is the collection of death instincts that we have. Aggression, hostility and indecency leading to sexual abuse are the death instincts.

The prophecy has it that Kali Yuga will be characterized by the following predicaments: 

Unreasonable, unfair justice

Death of Spirituality, no sense of responsibility
Greed and wrath will be common
Thoughts of murder with no justification
Lust will be viewed as socially acceptable
Sin will increase exponentially
No promises or vows will be kept.
People will become addicted to intoxicating drinks and drugs
The whole societal structure will collapse

All these appear to be normal and day to day situations to us today. There is nothing that could destroy the moral society, more than the loss of sense of responsibility.

This loss of "Meta Cognition" has definitely taken a toll on today's societal situation. We need to think about what we think. Why didn't even one out of the 5 persons think of it as wrong to rape a helpless woman? Why is there no more war etiquette? Why do we think that crimes are a part of life? There is no answer to this pondering unless you think well over it. 
What can be done to get out of this Chakravyuh i.e. the Vicious cycle of delirium?, What is the way out!!!


  1. Please feel free to comment and enquire.

  2. Hello sir/mam,

    Can you please put same information in Marathi language, sometime I'm not been able understand few English words properly....
    Yesterday I visited your exhibition at Balgandharva, Pune

    Thank you

  3. Hello Ravi,

    We'll be updating the blog soon with Marathi content.
